Tour & Travel CRM, Buy Travel Leads Selling Website

Buy Tour and Travel CRM and Travel Leads selling website which will be fully functional and live in 3-5 days.  It’s developed in core PHP to sell travel leads to travel agents. We will give as it is, no changes/customization in INR 35,000 in advance. We can upload to your server also or it’s including 5GB hosting server. We will change/update your logo, about us page’s content, contact details & your payment gateway etc.


If you need changes or more customization, we can discuss and finalize the revised costing.

Tour & Travel CRM, Buy Travel Leads Selling Website
We are selling custom made advanced Core PHP script of website which is developed to sell travel leads to agents like It also have feature to sell/add different unlimited domestic or international tour packages. For live demo please visit website developed by us or
It have admin/crm/cms management through backend for everything like general pages, tour packages, lead management, lead price management, agent management, payment / recharge, automatic emails on registration, recharge, forgot password etc, top agent management, location management, inquiry management, fake lead complaint management etc.
Travellers fill inquiry form on website and admin will check/edit and approve it (or can be auto live) to buy leads by agents. Once agent login to their account they will see/search all leads. They can buy as per their choice/location etc., agent can update their profile, change password etc, admin can add new travel leads/inquiries from backend, admin can approve, disapprove any lead, admin can see all purchased leads with all required details. Their is one more option that agents can mark as booked lead and admin can run bonus scheme for more booked leads.
Reports: Admin can view all agents and admin can discontinue any agent. Admin can search any agent by email of mobile no, admin can search any payment made by any agent. Admin can see purchased leads on any particular date. Admin can recharge any agent’s account.
Admin can add top agents who are performing good to encourage them. And agents can add different tours in their profile which is visible to all. Admin can add different locations to be searched by agents to search particular location leads.
For agents it have options to Recharge/add money to buy leads, agents can see all leads to buy as per choice, agents can see bought leads, can check bought lead’s detail, agents can see booked leads, agents can mark any travel lead to fake and complaint, agents can see marked by them as junk/fake leads, billing history, profile management, change password etc.
  • Admin management: To change admin password
  • Lead management: to see new leads, already purchased leads. Here new leads can be added (status should be active)
  • Lead price management: National and International leads price can be changed here. (do not upload image here)
  • Agent management: You can see here all registered agents, agents can be searched by email or registered mobile number number. Payment/recharge details can be searched here. Agent ac can be recharged here. If you want to stop any agent, change status active or inactive.
  • Top agents management: New top agents can be added here (status should be active)
  • Location management: Here you can add domestic or international location. Its for agents to search leads in their login panel.
  • Page management: Here you can edit information of general pages like About us, policy, career, terms
  • Form management: Here new pages can be made for promotion, landing page. It have inquiry form only.
  • Fake leads management: If an agent do complain about fake leads, raise concern, then here lead can be marked as done or payment can be returned etc. And then manually agent’s amount would be recharged with that amount.
  • Service management: Its for adding new domestic or international packages
  • Payment gateway
  • Recharge AC
  • All leads (purchase 1-2-4 sharing option, search)
  • My Account
  • My leads (purchased leads) , can check every purchased lead’s details. Can complain here for fake/wrong lead
  • Booked lead: Agents can mark any lead as booked lead, admin will give extra cashback for top booked leads agents
  • Junk leads: Leads marked as fake/wrong details can be seen here, and its status
  • Billing History: Leads / recharge details can be seen here
  • Profile: Agents can update their profile here
  • Change password: Agents can change their ac password here
  • Automatic emails will be received.


To buy this please contact us at , or or +91-9899400404
Order Online: We can give link to pay online.

Note:  You need to upgrade your external email server after sometime when you are live so that auto emails work properly, and it’s cost is extra.

Our cost does not include any AMC or virus/malware attack protection but we give free support and training till 1 month.

Our other services can be seen by clicking here